Level 4 R&D Agents - Missions & Complexes (2024)

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Level 4 R&D Agents - Missions & Complexes (1)


Pandemic Horde Inc.

Pandemic Horde

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#1 -2016-05-02 20:57:43 UTC


So, today I was looking into finding what corp has a lvl 4 R&D Agent, and the following showed up:

Boundless Creation
Duvolle Laboratories
Kaalakiota Coporation
Roden Shipyards
Core Complexion Inc
Ishukone Corporation
Thukker Mix
Lai Dai Corporation
Carthum Conglomerate

Is there any preference on who to chose over someone else? All my standings are more or less the same, so now I don't know which corp ladder to start climbing.

Any helpful hints?

Level 4 R&D Agents - Missions & Complexes (2)


Kaira Innovations

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#2 -2016-05-02 21:14:52 UTC


check the market and look at the datacore pricing and check how many have sold the past 5 days then look at the level 4 agents for those corps and decide from there. thats the best help i can give you unless you are using them yourself to invent with then grab the ones you use the most of.

Level 4 R&D Agents - Missions & Complexes (3)


Freedom Resources

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#3 -2016-05-02 21:29:16 UTC|Edited by: Kolmogorow


Another hint: The lower the security status of the system the agent is located in the more research points per day he will give. Also you might consider if you want to run the daily missions (at least sometimes) that double the research points (easy but boring as hell). Then an agent that isn't too far away from your daily business might be useful.

Edit: My statement about sec status above is probably wrong, see discussion below.

Level 4 R&D Agents - Missions & Complexes (4)

Chopper Rollins


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#4 -2016-05-02 22:55:25 UTC


Kolmogorow wrote:

...Then an agent that isn't too far away from your daily business might be useful.

This. Sixteen jump round trips to grab datacores from optimal agents was a bit of a chore, so i worked out which ones were closer to my invention pos and other agents.

Goggles. Making me look good. Making you look good.

Level 4 R&D Agents - Missions & Complexes (5)

Shayla Etherodyne

Delta Laroth Industries

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#5 -2016-05-02 23:47:35 UTC


Kolmogorow wrote:

Another hint: The lower the security status of the system the agent is located in the more research points per day he will give. Also you might consider if you want to run the daily missions (at least sometimes) that double the research points (easy but boring as hell). Then an agent that isn't too far away from your daily business might be useful.

Same character:
Roden shipyard - quantum physic level 4 agent - 0.3 Vlillirier - 119.23
Roden shipyard - quantum physic level 4 agent - 0.9 Alenia - 119.33

Unless something has changed while I was away from EVE the sec status of the system don't matter for datacore production, what matter is your standing.

The tiny difference is the personal standing with the agents, 2.20 with the one in Vlillirier , 2.32 with the one in Alenia. From what I see of the standing transactions, in some patch doing the R&D agent missions has started giving standing with him.

Level 4 R&D Agents - Missions & Complexes (6)

Mijel Riak

Extensive Enterprises Space

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#6 -2016-05-03 01:12:22 UTC


Weenheen wrote:

So, today I was looking into finding what corp has a lvl 4 R&D Agent, and the following showed up:

Boundless Creation
Duvolle Laboratories
Kaalakiota Coporation
Roden Shipyards
Core Complexion Inc
Ishukone Corporation
Thukker Mix
Lai Dai Corporation
Carthum Conglomerate

Is there any preference on who to chose over someone else? All my standings are more or less the same, so now I don't know which corp ladder to start climbing.

Any helpful hints?

Agent Finder - lists the agents and what data cores they have

Level 4 R&D Agents - Missions & Complexes (7)

Shallanna Yassavi

qwertz corp

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#7 -2016-05-03 01:33:08 UTC


There are also the kind of research agents you find with core scanners.

A signature :o

Level 4 R&D Agents - Missions & Complexes (8)

Shayla Etherodyne

Delta Laroth Industries

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#8 -2016-05-03 05:45:23 UTC|Edited by: Shayla Etherodyne


I want to point out this, from one of the citadels blogs:


Service modules possibilities: Research ME, research TE, copy, Tech II invention, Tech III invention and datacore spawning. èb]We want those new structures to ultimately replace our existing Datacore system[/b] – one way of doing so would be to have Datacore caches spawn near the Research Laboratory that refill at various intervals. Those caches could be set to be looted by anyone, but with a specific tax set up by the structure owners.

From here: Citadel blog

Why? For citadels !

Apparently it will be the reason for removing stuff at random in the future.

R&D agents were the first reason for me to regularly go to low sec. To speak with some of them, get missions and retrieve my datacores.
They were worth more at that time, but I still visit them occasionally. Now CCP want to remove or redo them (and the exploration sites apparently, as the blog speak of "ultimately replace our existing Datacore system") to make citadels somewhat interesting.
Thanks for nothing.

Shallanna Yassavi wrote:

There are also the kind of research agents you find with core scanners.

As long as that last.

Level 4 R&D Agents - Missions & Complexes (9)


Guardians of the Gate

RAZOR Alliance

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#9 -2016-05-03 06:19:40 UTC


Over the years they have nerfed R&D agents a lot. If your using it for passive income its extremely slow with the rates they give now and the isk you must spend to collect them. If you are planning on doing any serious invention it will never be enough, a few personal bpcs here and there would be fine.

Joining FW for a few hours and whoring a few plexs and cashing in the respective LP for cores will net you more than you will get in a year doing full L4 R&D agents. Trust me I still have half a dozen guys doing R&D agents from many years ago back before the ghost RP was nerfed. I let them sit for a year or more at a time to even collect the few thousand they give then. I can make the same in a few hours of FW.

What was a cash cow her tee*ts have really ran dry. But hey its something and its passive. Do as you please.

Have you heard anything I've said?

You said it's all circling the drain, the whole universe. Right?

That's right.

Had to end sometime.

Level 4 R&D Agents - Missions & Complexes (10)

Nat Silverguard

Aideron Robotics

Aideron Robotics.

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#10 -2016-05-03 06:28:08 UTC


yup, i haven't harvested my datacores for almost a year now.

much easier to buy the datacores than to haul them. Level 4 R&D Agents - Missions & Complexes (11)

Just Add Water

Level 4 R&D Agents - Missions & Complexes (12)

Shayla Etherodyne

Delta Laroth Industries

Likes received: 133

#11 -2016-05-03 06:46:39 UTC


Eternus8lux8lucis wrote:

Over the years they have nerfed R&D agents a lot. If your using it for passive income its extremely slow with the rates they give now and the isk you must spend to collect them. If you are planning on doing any serious invention it will never be enough, a few personal bpcs here and there would be fine.

Joining FW for a few hours and whoring a few plexs and cashing in the respective LP for cores will net you more than you will get in a year doing full L4 R&D agents. Trust me I still have half a dozen guys doing R&D agents from many years ago back before the ghost RP was nerfed. I let them sit for a year or more at a time to even collect the few thousand they give then. I can make the same in a few hours of FW.

What was a cash cow her tee*ts have really ran dry. But hey its something and its passive. Do as you please.

I like to visit my guys. Vlad gave me 2 T2 ammo BPO after all. (Not that I really build the Quake L, I can make more money with invention, But the barrage M sell a bit).
It is not the income, it is a motivation to go around.

Level 4 R&D Agents - Missions & Complexes (13)


Freedom Resources

Likes received: 391

#12 -2016-05-03 12:00:58 UTC


Shayla Etherodyne wrote:

Kolmogorow wrote:

Another hint: The lower the security status of the system the agent is located in the more research points per day he will give. Also you might consider if you want to run the daily missions (at least sometimes) that double the research points (easy but boring as hell). Then an agent that isn't too far away from your daily business might be useful.

Same character:
Roden shipyard - quantum physic level 4 agent - 0.3 Vlillirier - 119.23
Roden shipyard - quantum physic level 4 agent - 0.9 Alenia - 119.33

Unless something has changed while I was away from EVE the sec status of the system don't matter for datacore production, what matter is your standing.

The tiny difference is the personal standing with the agents, 2.20 with the one in Vlillirier , 2.32 with the one in Alenia. From what I see of the standing transactions, in some patch doing the R&D agent missions has started giving standing with him.

I should not post things based on knowledge from years ago. You are right, I don't see a clear dependency on sec status among my agents either (even though my only low sec agent has the highest RP). I just checked my journal. Weird things are going on: I right clicked from the journal to open an agent info window and suddenly the RP/day changed to a bit higher value. Still all the high sec agents are below 100.

For example I have that Duvolle agent in Fricoure (0.8 system), Quantum Physics, and he gives 94.10 RP/day. My standing with him is 2.03. Does the little higher standing that you have with your Alenia agent explain the difference in RP? On the other hand I have another agent in Raneilles (0.6) system, Mechanical Engineering, he gives 96.0 RP/day but I have a standing of 5.0 with him. I would expect more RP/day if standing is really important.

Very confusing and finally I must say, I have no clue how RP/day are actually determined.

Level 4 R&D Agents - Missions & Complexes (14)


My Wormhole Hurts

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#13 -2016-05-03 12:03:43 UTC


I liked Carthum Conglomerate when I first had mine setup. They have a few systems with multiple agents to raise your standings faster.

Not really worth it as passive income anymore, sad.

Conar 07

Level 4 R&D Agents - Missions & Complexes (15)


Guardians of the Gate

RAZOR Alliance

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#14 -2016-05-03 13:01:14 UTC


Kolmogorow wrote:

Shayla Etherodyne wrote:

Kolmogorow wrote:

Another hint: The lower the security status of the system the agent is located in the more research points per day he will give. Also you might consider if you want to run the daily missions (at least sometimes) that double the research points (easy but boring as hell). Then an agent that isn't too far away from your daily business might be useful.

Same character:
Roden shipyard - quantum physic level 4 agent - 0.3 Vlillirier - 119.23
Roden shipyard - quantum physic level 4 agent - 0.9 Alenia - 119.33

Unless something has changed while I was away from EVE the sec status of the system don't matter for datacore production, what matter is your standing.

The tiny difference is the personal standing with the agents, 2.20 with the one in Vlillirier , 2.32 with the one in Alenia. From what I see of the standing transactions, in some patch doing the R&D agent missions has started giving standing with him.

I should not post things based on knowledge from years ago. You are right, I don't see a clear dependency on sec status among my agents either (even though my only low sec agent has the highest RP). I just checked my journal. Weird things are going on: I right clicked from the journal to open an agent info window and suddenly the RP/day changed to a bit higher value. Still all the high sec agents are below 100.

For example I have that Duvolle agent in Fricoure (0.8 system), Quantum Physics, and he gives 94.10 RP/day. My standing with him is 2.03. Does the little higher standing that you have with your Alenia agent explain the difference in RP? On the other hand I have another agent in Raneilles (0.6) system, Mechanical Engineering, he gives 96.0 RP/day but I have a standing of 5.0 with him. I would expect more RP/day if standing is really important.

Very confusing and finally I must say, I have no clue how RP/day are actually determined.

You got more skills since the last time you talked to the agent. The old Eve wiki had some good info, Id say check the eve uni wiki now for that skills equation.

Have you heard anything I've said?

You said it's all circling the drain, the whole universe. Right?

That's right.

Had to end sometime.

Level 4 R&D Agents - Missions & Complexes (16)

Shayla Etherodyne

Delta Laroth Industries

Likes received: 133

#15 -2016-05-03 14:37:43 UTC|Edited by: Shayla Etherodyne


Kolmogorow wrote:

Shayla Etherodyne wrote:

Kolmogorow wrote:

Another hint: The lower the security status of the system the agent is located in the more research points per day he will give. Also you might consider if you want to run the daily missions (at least sometimes) that double the research points (easy but boring as hell). Then an agent that isn't too far away from your daily business might be useful.

Same character:
Roden shipyard - quantum physic level 4 agent - 0.3 Vlillirier - 119.23
Roden shipyard - quantum physic level 4 agent - 0.9 Alenia - 119.33

Unless something has changed while I was away from EVE the sec status of the system don't matter for datacore production, what matter is your standing.

The tiny difference is the personal standing with the agents, 2.20 with the one in Vlillirier , 2.32 with the one in Alenia. From what I see of the standing transactions, in some patch doing the R&D agent missions has started giving standing with him.

I should not post things based on knowledge from years ago. You are right, I don't see a clear dependency on sec status among my agents either (even though my only low sec agent has the highest RP). I just checked my journal. Weird things are going on: I right clicked from the journal to open an agent info window and suddenly the RP/day changed to a bit higher value. Still all the high sec agents are below 100.

For example I have that Duvolle agent in Fricoure (0.8 system), Quantum Physics, and he gives 94.10 RP/day. My standing with him is 2.03. Does the little higher standing that you have with your Alenia agent explain the difference in RP? On the other hand I have another agent in Raneilles (0.6) system, Mechanical Engineering, he gives 96.0 RP/day but I have a standing of 5.0 with him. I would expect more RP/day if standing is really important.

Very confusing and finally I must say, I have no clue how RP/day are actually determined.

UNI WIKI wrote:

The formula for how many research points you'll get in a day is: (1 + (20 + Negotiation*5)/100) * (Agent Skill + Science Skill)^2

That give 1.45*81=117.45

That leave us with a 1.68 and 1.78 not accounted for. that is a 1.43 and 1.52%. I suppose it is tied to the standing with the agent.
In the past they had a quality modifier too, but it has been removed.

The Ainaille guy: personal standing 2.18 RP 119.22
Difference 1.77. 1.77/81= 0,0218
So the current formula probably is:
(1 + (20 + Negotiation*5)/100+(standing with the agent/100) * (Agent Skill + Science Skill)^2
Let's test it: (1+0.45+0.0218)*81=119.215

It seem to work.

After completing a successful mission (so hard to do, today Level 4 R&D Agents - Missions & Complexes (17)), the new RP production become 119.24, new standing 2.21


In the past it wasn't possible to get standing with the R&D agents, but now it is. On the other hand with 10 standing you get a staggering bonus 8 .1 RP. Level 4 R&D Agents - Missions & Complexes (18)Level 4 R&D Agents - Missions & Complexes (19)

Level 4 R&D Agents - Missions & Complexes (20)


Freedom Resources

Likes received: 391

#16 -2016-05-03 16:37:54 UTC


Shayla Etherodyne wrote:

Kolmogorow wrote:

Shayla Etherodyne wrote:

Kolmogorow wrote:

Another hint: The lower the security status of the system the agent is located in the more research points per day he will give. Also you might consider if you want to run the daily missions (at least sometimes) that double the research points (easy but boring as hell). Then an agent that isn't too far away from your daily business might be useful.

Same character:
Roden shipyard - quantum physic level 4 agent - 0.3 Vlillirier - 119.23
Roden shipyard - quantum physic level 4 agent - 0.9 Alenia - 119.33

Unless something has changed while I was away from EVE the sec status of the system don't matter for datacore production, what matter is your standing.

The tiny difference is the personal standing with the agents, 2.20 with the one in Vlillirier , 2.32 with the one in Alenia. From what I see of the standing transactions, in some patch doing the R&D agent missions has started giving standing with him.

I should not post things based on knowledge from years ago. You are right, I don't see a clear dependency on sec status among my agents either (even though my only low sec agent has the highest RP). I just checked my journal. Weird things are going on: I right clicked from the journal to open an agent info window and suddenly the RP/day changed to a bit higher value. Still all the high sec agents are below 100.

For example I have that Duvolle agent in Fricoure (0.8 system), Quantum Physics, and he gives 94.10 RP/day. My standing with him is 2.03. Does the little higher standing that you have with your Alenia agent explain the difference in RP? On the other hand I have another agent in Raneilles (0.6) system, Mechanical Engineering, he gives 96.0 RP/day but I have a standing of 5.0 with him. I would expect more RP/day if standing is really important.

Very confusing and finally I must say, I have no clue how RP/day are actually determined.

UNI WIKI wrote:

The formula for how many research points you'll get in a day is: (1 + (20 + Negotiation*5)/100) * (Agent Skill + Science Skill)^2

That give 1.45*81=117.45

That leave us with a 1.68 and 1.78 not accounted for. that is a 1.43 and 1.52%. I suppose it is tied to the standing with the agent.
In the past they had a quality modifier too, but it has been removed.

The Ainaille guy: personal standing 2.18 RP 119.22
Difference 1.77. 1.77/81= 0,0218
So the current formula probably is:
(1 + (20 + Negotiation*5)/100+(standing with the agent/100) * (Agent Skill + Science Skill)^2
Let's test it: (1+0.45+0.0218)*81=119.215

It seem to work.

After completing a successful mission (so hard to do, today Level 4 R&D Agents - Missions & Complexes (21)), the new RP production become 119.24, new standing 2.21


In the past it wasn't possible to get standing with the R&D agents, but now it is. On the other hand with 10 standing you get a staggering bonus 8 .1 RP. Level 4 R&D Agents - Missions & Complexes (22)Level 4 R&D Agents - Missions & Complexes (23)

Aaaaaah, very cool, thanks! So, it's the Science skill level that makes the big difference. I have only level 4 while you apparently have level 5, accounting for roughly 25 RP/day more. Only the science skill for my low sec agent happens to be at level 5, that's why he gives 115 RP/day around (which probably led me to the false believe that the sec status matters).

Level 4 R&D Agents - Missions & Complexes (24)

ISD Decoy

ISD Community Communications Liaisons

ISD Alliance

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#17 -2016-05-03 20:06:03 UTC


Moving this to Missions & Complexes; you'll probably get some good responses and feedback there.

ISD Decoy


Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

Level 4 R&D Agents - Missions & Complexes (25)

Yourmoney Mywallet


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#18 -2016-05-03 20:47:34 UTC


^ cause there haven't been any good responses and feedback in GD. Level 4 R&D Agents - Missions & Complexes (26)

Level 4 R&D Agents - Missions & Complexes (27)


Caldari Provisions

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#19 -2016-05-03 21:05:13 UTC


Have they ever changed R&D agents so you can remotely get your datacores? Most obnoxious thing to me moving a bunch of characters around collecting them.

Level 4 R&D Agents - Missions & Complexes (28)

Alicia Dnari

Dnari Mining and Manufacturing

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#20 -2016-05-06 13:59:57 UTC


I do a quick circle of my R&D agents every so often (used to do it daily, but I'm not around that often at the moment). I do try to keep them close to each other, and close to my base of operations, though currently I have one 16 jump outlier. PITA, that one.Level 4 R&D Agents - Missions & Complexes (29)

Eve Isk per Hour (IPH) will tell you who the best agents are, and which cores to research, based on your skills and standings and the market. What it won't tell you is how far apart they are. You can limit the list to a particular empire, though.

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Level 4 R&D Agents -   Missions & Complexes (2024)


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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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