High Isle & Amenos Map - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (2024)

High Isle & Amenos Map - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (1)

Volcanic Vent - World Events in High Isle & Amenos

World Events are open to everyone, events repeated in a specific place at a specific time, intended for more players at the same time. Completing a World Event can award you experience, gold, and higher tier gear, more about World Events.

High Isle & Amenos Map - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (2)

Striking Locales in High Isle & Amenos

Striking Locales are places of interest within the world. Discovering all of the Striking Locales in a zone will award that zone's Pathfinder achievement.

There are 6 Striking Locales in High Isle & Amenos and Fargrave, discovering them is necessary for Zone Completion.

  • Spriggan's Crown
  • Banished Refuge
  • Green Serpent Getaway
  • Augury Monoliths
  • Albatross Leap
  • Stonelore Falls

High Isle & Amenos Map - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (3)

Outlaws Refuge in High Isle & Amenos

Outlaws Refuge with fence, moneylender, merchant and guild trader - shelter when the guards are looking for you.

Gonfalon Bay Outlaws Refuge

High Isle & Amenos Map - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (4)

Side Quests in High Isle & Amenos

Side Quest are not related to the main story in the zone, but complement it. They start in both Quest Hubs and open ground.

  • POI Side Quests
  • Maps Side Quest Series
  • Delves Side Quests
  • Companions Recruitment Quests
  • Public Dungeon Quests
  • Dreadsail Reef Trial Quests
  • Tales of Tribute Card Game Quests
  • Repeatable Side Quests

POI Side Quests

Aiding The Archipelago

I found a notice for adventurers seeking work on the islands of High Isle and Amenos. Sounds right up my alley.

The notice directed me to talk to Ghruzeg in the north-central district of Gonfalon Bay for more details.

The Large Delegate Rigurt the Brash near Gonfalon Palace.

Rigurt the Brash, delegate-at-large for the Ebonheart Pact Cultural Exchange, misplaced his scepter of office after a night of wild festivities. He asked me to help him find it.

Rigurt thinks he might have lost the scepter at the inn where he was drinking last night. I should start there.

The Intoxicating Mix - Genalda Ervine near road north of Druid's Gate.

A woman named Genalda enlisted my help gathering ingredients for a new drink she and her partner, Hilgrim, are hoping to make. Apparently, Hilgrim drank the last of their stock.

Genalda marked a few locations on my map where I might find the ingredients she and Hilgrim need for their new drink. I should track the ingredients down and gather them.

An Experiment With Peace - Mender Senna on crossroads east of Steadfast Manor.

A strange malady is affecting the patients of Steadfast Manor. The healers are lost on how to treat it. If I find the cause, perhaps they can determine a solution.

I spoke to Mender Senna, one of the healers at the manor. She suggested I find Armin Demalle and ask him about this malady. I can find him at the manor's southern gate.

The Long Game

Marcelle Dantaine asked me to help break her innocent husband Valentyn out of the Amenos Station stockade before they finish processing him and banish him into the wilds of Amenos's jungle.

Marcelle gave me a rare vintage of Dufort Red to use as a bribe. She says that Jailer Omdil loves the stuff and will let me into the stockade if I present him with the wine.

A Father's Pride - Meryline Barthel east of Brokerock Mine

Brokerock Mine is being attacked by creatures called Hadolids. Meryline Barthel asked me to help her deal with the Hadolids in the mine.

The Corrupted Grove - Druid Audrine south of Stonelore Grove.

A corruption has upset the natural balance of Stonelore Grove, turning the creatures there aggressive. Druid Audrine asked me to assist her in removing the corruption and discovering its source before it spreads to the rest of the island.

I need to go to the locations Druid Audrine marked on my map and help her cleanse the corruption spreading throughout Stonelore Grove.

Wisdom Of The Druids - Druid Jend near Stonelore Forge and Craft.

I met a Stonelore Circle druid named Jend. He's worried about the recent activity around the volcanic vents in the nearby area. He asked me to help investigate said vents and find a solution to the problem.

Druid Jend wants to investigate each of the active volcanic vents. In order to do so, I need to find an animal at each and catch it so Druid Jend can use it to commune with the nature spirits.

Race For Honor Cynric Ginise east of Garick's Rest.

Cynric, the ghostly guardian of Garick's Rest, challenged me to complete three Trials of Worth. He wants me to honorably earn Lady Garick's Sacred Shield before the necromancer Amunara steals it.

I came upon Cynric Ginise bound with magic emanating from an old censer. He doesn't seem particularly comfortable, despite being a ghost. I should extinguish the censer to release him.

The Missing Prowler - Captain Jimila south of Skulltooth Coast.

Captain Jimila has lost her ship, the Prowler. She and her quartermaster, Oblan, discovered it missing after coming ashore for supplies. I agreed to help find the ship so they can get off Skulltooth Coast.

Captain Jimila has lost track of her quartermaster, Oblan. They split up to search for the Prowler, but he never returned. I should look for him along the beach.

The All Flags Curse Stibbons on All Flag Islet

Stibbons has asked me to help him free his mistress, Lady Clarice Laurent, from a curse that plagues All Flags Islet. Apparently, this site was once a monument dedicated to the All Flags Navy, but it has fallen into disrepair.

I need to find Lady Laurent and see if this curse is as bad as Stibbons has claimed. He says she's become a different person. He says she's been possessed by an ancient sea captain and that I'll find her on the southern shore of the islet.

Maps Side Quest Series

Balki's Map Fragment - note west of Druid's Gate near road.

I found the body of a Khajiit, Balki. It looks like he died on the way to deliver something to the Dufort Shipyards.

Balki was hired to find a map fragment. I should search his backpack to see if he acquired it before he died.

Rhadh's Map Fragment - note east of Hidden Foundry in Amenos.

I found the body of a Redguard, Rhadh. It looks like he died before retrieving a map for Captain Eshmadin at the Dufort Shipyards.

Rhadh didn't seem to have the map fragment in his possession. His instructions said it could be found hidden in a wreck on Whalefall. I should head to Whalefall and look for it.

Ferone's Map Fragment west of Stonelore Falls

I found the body of a Dark Elf, Ferone Verethi. It looks like she died on the way to deliver something to the Dufort Shipyards.

Ferone was hired to find a map fragment. I should search her backpack to see if she acquired it before she died.

The Long Way Home - Captain Eshmadin, you have to finish first: Balki's Map Fragment, Rhadh's Map Fragment and Ferone's Map Fragment.

I helped Captain Eshmadin gather the lost fragments of a treasure map. Now he asked me to help him collect the treasure.

Captain Eshmadin suggested I take the reassembled treasure map to help in my search.

Delves Side Quests

In Secret And Shadow Hannah Izard on crossroad sout of Death's Valor Keep

A talking skull near Death's Valor Keep is promising to give treasure to whoever helps it.

I should go to Death's Valor Keep to see if the grave robber's story is true.

Scalding Scavengers Vinilsare near entrance to The Firepot

A High Elf named Vinilsare asked me to escort her through the Firepot, a dangerous cavern, to collect vulk'esh scoria and ensure her wife, Tarrinore's, safety.

I should enter the Firepot to begin searching for the scoria and for Tarrinore.

Pursuit Of Freedom Lendanor east of Hidden Foundry in Amenos

Louna Jolvanne, a Breton prisoner on Amenos, wants to rescue her partner Anton from Whalefall. The jailers hunt prisoners there as a game. The promised reward for survival is freedom from Amenos.

I ran into a High Elf named Lendanor who told me he saw Louna collecting trash. She plans to make a raft and float over to Whalefall. I should search the western shore to find Louna.

Coral Conundrum - Sergant Brusic near entrance

Brusic, a sentry for House Mornard, asked me to find Veslyn, another sentry sailing with him, and the prisoners in their care. Brusic followed their footprints, but they disappeared into the Coral Cliffs after Brusic's ship wrecked.

I should enter the Coral Cliffs to see if I can find out what happened to the Veslyn and her prisoners.

Spies In The Shallows - Titus Stolo near boat to Shipwreck Shoals.

Titus Stolo requested my aid in dealing with some intelligence he claims is important to my alliance that was lost when Dreadsail pirates interrupted their recovery from vessels that crashed into Shipwreck Shoals.

Titus asked that I locate sensitive documents. If I find any enemy documents among them, I should retrieve them. If I come across any allied documents, I should destroy them. He also wants me to rescue his partner Nari from the Dreadsail pirates.

A Sheep In Need - Moric Guidroz near Breakwater Cave

Moric Guidroz believes that a group of Hadolids stole his prized sheep, Privette. They carried her into their lair at Breakwater Cave.

Moric asked me to enter Breakwater Cave to retrieve Privette. He hopes to reach a peaceful solution, but I'm not so sure. I should enter Breakwater Cave to begin my search.

Companion Quests

Isobel Velois Companion Quests

Tournament Of The Heart - Isobel Veloise Recruitment Quest - near Castle Navire Wayshrine.

The gossip at Castle Navire is that the Knight-Commander offered her daughter Aurelia as a marriage prize at the Sapphire Tourney. The daughter's best friend, Aspirant Isobel Veloise, wants to save her friend. I should investigate.

I met a chatty noble who told me about a brewing scandal involving the Knight Commander's daughter. Sounds like she has a friend looking to help her out. I should seek her out at Castle Navire.

The Lost Symbol - Isobel Veloise

A ring Isobel gave to her friend Aurelia many years ago has been stolen. The ring was a symbol of their relationship, once upon a time, but here and now the loss of the signet ring could mean trouble for Isobel's family.

A Mother's Request - Isobel Veloise

Isobel has been asked to return to Castle Navire to speak to Knight Commander Jourvel, Aurelia's mother.

The Princess Detective - Isobel Veloise

Isobel received another letter from Knight Commander Jourvel, wanting to chat. My companion believes it has to do with Aurelia and her pursuit of that mysterious conspiracy in Rivenspire.

Ember Companion Quests

Tower Full Of Trouble - Ember - Recruitment Quest

I met a panicked local on the road who said he had been chased by magical motes and seen other strange things at the nearby home of a wizard, Tor Draioch. He thinks that the wizard's assistance, Ember, may need some help. I should investigate.

I found a frightened man being chased by some kind of strange mote. He told me there are strange motes causing trouble around Tor Draioch and that he's worried for the magister and his assistant that live there. I should check on them.

Cold Trail - Ember

Ember opened up a bit about her past. Apparently, she was part of a tight-knit group of street kids for much of her younger life until her makeshift family mysteriously vanished from Skywatch. She's determined to find them and asked for my help.

Cold Blood, Old Pain - Ember

Ember says that her friend Jhaka might have a lead about the mercenaries that took her friends all those years ago. He's in Marbruk right now, and Ember wants to go there to meet him and see what we can do to help.

Green with Envy - Ember

Ember still hopes to find the last member of her found family, Song. Silverslip and Jhaka have been investigating her whereabouts and apparently attracted the attention of a merchant in Evermore, a city in Bangkorai. That might be our next lead.

Public Dungeon Quests

Blood, Books, And Steel Squire Rayan, near boat to dungeon.

I met with a squire named Rayan who fears for his knight, Dame Madach. Rayan asked if he could accompany me into the tower called the Spire of the Crimson Coin to find his missing knight.

I should head inside the spire and find what awaits us within.

Buried At The Bay Ilyes Maul near dungeon entrance

I encountered a man named llyes Maul searching for his ancestor's lost treasure. Ilyes hired me to help him find it in Ghost Haven Bay.

Ilyes asked me to accompany him in Ghost Haven Bay. I should enter the bay.

Dreadsail Reef Trial Quests

All Hands On Deck

I met a sailor recruiting for war against the Dreadsail pirate fleet. I agreed to join a landing party for a mission.

I am to board the Lofte Empyrean and report to Purser Ashcroft.

Reavers Of The Reef - Repeatable

Admiral Galvendier of the Dufort Flotilla requires soldiers for an assault on the Dreadsail pirate fleet's headquarters.

I am tasked with laying siege to Dreadsail Reef, and finding and stopping Fleet Queen Taleria.

Tales of Tribute Card Game Quests

Tales Of Tribute - Posters on the walls in Gonfalon Bay or talk to Brahgas.

A new card game called Tales of Tribute has captured the imagination of cardsharps and collectors all across Tamriel. I can begin my own Tribute journey in Gonfalon Bay.

If I want to learn more about the card game, Tales of Tribute, I need to speak to someone named Brahgas in Gonfalon Bay.

A New Venture

Now that I'm an official member of the Roisters Club, Master Razhamad wants me to gain some experience playing Tribute.

The Tournament Begins

The Tales of Tribute tournament begins now! If I succeed in defeating all of my opponents, I will advance to the second round, bringing me closer to the title match.

Challenges of the Past

The second Tribute tournament is about to begin! Unfortunately, Sorinne's past threaten to derail her future in the upcoming matches. The Gonfalon Chapter needs her help to succeed, but she may need our help to overcome her demons.

The Final Round

I reached the final round of the Tribute Tournament! I will have to summon up all my skill to win the title and take my place as a Tribute Master.

Cards Across the Continent - Repeatable given by Kishka the Broker

The Gonfalon Chapter's daily broker, Kishka, challenged me to seek out rival Tribute players and defeat them. If I succeed, I will earn both rank and rewards!

Dueling Tributes - Repeatable by given Marunji the Broker

The Gonfalon Chapter's daily broker, Marunji, challenged me to seek out adventurers like myself and defeat them in Tales of Tribute. If I succeed, I will earn both rank and rewards!

Repeatable Side Quests

Daily Delve Quests - by Wayllod

Arcane Research - Repeatable

A mage needs someone to enter the Firepot, a cave to the southwest of All Flags Islet, to help with some sort of arcane research.

Druidic Research - Repeatable

A mage studying the practices of druidic magic needs someone to collect ritual components from Coral Cliffs on Amenos to help advance their research.

A Final Peace - Repeatable

An old knight of the Order of the Albatross wants someone to brave the ruins of Death's Valor Keep and retrieve the skulls of the knights who fell there long ago so they can finally be put to rest.

Pirate Problems - Repeatable

Pirates from Shipwreck Shoals have stolen crates of uniforms from alliance ships that crashed along the coastlines between High Isle and Amenos. An agent representing all the alliances wants the uniforms found and destroyed.

Prison Problems - Repeatable

An advocate from the Society of the Steadfast wants someone to travel to Whalefall, an island off the western coast of Amenos, to bring back evidence of the prisoners sent there.

Seek and Destroy - Repeatable

House Dufort needs someone to enter Breakwater Cave on the southern coast of High Isle and destroy the crates of supplies stolen by the Hadolids that reside there.

Daily Group Boss Quests - by Parisse Plouff

Ascendant Shadows - Repeatable

Two Ascendant Order fanatics threaten travelers in western High Isle. The Ascendant Executioner and the Ascendant Harrower capture their victims with dark magic and subject them to horrible torment.

Avarice of the Eldertide - Repeatable

A pair of Eldertide theurges have taken control of a local lord's land, searching it for magical geodes. I need to defeat the theurges and collect the geodes they've unearthed.

The Sable Knight - Repeatable

An animated suit of armor known as the Sable Knight threatens priests on pilgrimage near Steadfast Manor. I have agreed to destroy the Sable Knight and cleanse the darkness it spreads.

The Serpent Caller - Repeatable

A Sea Elf fanatic named Serpent Caller Vinsha is manipulating snakes native to High Isle, magically altering them to make them more dangerous. The Stonelore Circle druids want her stopped.

A Special Reagent - Repeatable

An alchemist requested brine glands from molting Hadolids. There's a Hadolid molting ground on Amenos, guarded by a fierce Hadolid matron. If I want to get brine glands, I'll have to deal with the matron.

Wildhorn's Wrath - Repeatable

A dangerous faun lord called Glemyos Wildhorn kills any hunters who enter its territory. Recently, Wildhorn slaughtered a band of noble hunters. The bloodshed must stop.

Daily Volcanic Vent Quests - by Druid Peeska

Venting the Threat - Repeatable

Druid Peeska is worried about the increasing activity at the volcanic vents on the island. She hired me to gather allies and disrupt the activity before the volcanic vents can erupt and the situation becomes dire.

High Isle & Amenos Map - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (5)

Player Housing in High Isle & Amenos

There are Inn Rooms, Apartments, Small Houses, Medium Houses, Large Houses and Manors that you can buy and furnish.

  • Ancient Anchor Berth - Inn Whether the bay's waters are tranquil or rough, you'll always find a spot of calm and warmth within the walls of this cozy inn room in Gonfalon Bay. Services abound just outside the door, making this a convenient berth for all your needs.
  • Highhallow Hold - Manor Variously held by both House Dufort and Mornard, this stately manor near the edge of Gonfalon Bay is now available to the adventurer-about-town. It commands a majestic view of the ocean and provides easy access to High Isle's premier city.

High Isle & Amenos Map - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (6)

Shalidor's Library Books in High Isle & Amenos

Shalidor's Library Books are scattered throughout the world. These books are identified by their distinctive purple glow. Discovering these books will improve your Mages Guild rank and advance the associated skill line.

Theoretically, the Shalidor's Library Books assigned to a given Zone should be found within that area. Practically as the areas available to players expand, it starts to get mixed up and the specific Lore Book can be found in other parts of Tamriel as well.

There are 10 Shalidor's Library Books assigned to High Isle & Amenos. Some of them can also be found in other Zones. Each of the Lore Books has more than one probable spot where you can find it. Discovering them is necessary for Zone Completion.

  • Guide to the Daggerfall Covenant
  • Varieties of Faith: The Bretons
  • Wyresses: The Name-Daughters
  • The Knightly Orders of High Rock
  • The Bretons: Mongrels or Paragons?
  • Wayrest, Jewel of the Bay
  • Triumphs of a Monarch, Ch. 3
  • Triumphs of a Monarch, Ch. 6
  • Triumphs of a Monarch, Ch. 10
  • Flesh to Cut from Bone

Mythic Items in High Isle & Amenos

High Isle & Amenos Map - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (7)

Dov-Rha Sabatons

Feet Heavy: Adds 386 Maximum Health. WELL-FITTED Reduces the cost of Roll Dodge and Sprint by 6%.


(1 item) While Sprinting gain a stack of Draconic Scales every 0.5 seconds, granting you 660 Armor, up to 20 stacks max. Upon stopping you deal 129 Physical Damage per stack in an 8 meter shockwave, gain a damage shield equal to damage dealt, and retain Draconic Scales for 10 seconds but cannot gain new stacks. At 20 stacks, this damage will also stun for 3 seconds. The damage scales off the higher of your Physical or Spell Resistance.

High Isle & Amenos Map - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (8)

Lefthander's War Girdle

Waist Medium: Adds 351 Maximum Stamina WELL-FITTED Reduces the cost of Roll Dodge and Sprint by 6%.


(1 item) Roll Dodge no longer evades attack and instead grants a damage shield that absorbs up to 20990 damage over 1 second. This damage shield is unaffected by Battle Spirit.

High Isle & Amenos Map - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (9)

Mora's Whispers

Shoulders Light: MULTI-EFFECT ENCHANTMENT Adds 175 Maximum Magicka. Adds 193 Maximum Health. Adds 175 Maximum Stamina. TRAINING Increase experience gained from kills by 11%.


(1 item) Gain up to 1528 Critical Chance and 10% increased Inspiration, Alliance Rank, Alliance skill, and monster kill experience based off how many books of Shalidor's Library have been collected.

High Isle & Amenos Map - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (10)

Oakensoul Ring

Ring: MULTI-EFFECT ENCHANTMENT Adds 134 Magicka Recovery. Adds 134 Health Recovery. Adds 134 Stamina Recovery. INFUSED Increases jewelry enchantment effectiveness by 60%.


(1 item) While equipped, you are unable to swap between your Primary and Backup Weapon Sets and gain Major Berserk, Major Courage, Major Brutality, Major Sorcery, Major Prophecy, Major Savagery, Major Force, Major Protection, Major Resolve, Minor Fortitude, Minor Intellect, Minor Endurance, and Major Heroism.

High Isle & Amenos Map - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (11)

Sea-Serpent's Coil

Neck: PHYSICAL RESISTANCE ENCHANTMENT Adds 927 Physical Resistance. PROTECTIVE Increases Spell Resistance and Physical Resistance by 1190


(1 item) While at full Health, you gain 40% damage reduction. After taking damage while at full Health in combat, you gain Serpent's Rebuke for 10 seconds, snaring yourself by 40% and gaining Major Berserk and Major Courage, increasing your damage done by 10% and Weapon and Spell Damage by 430.

The damage reduction does not apply while Serpent's Rebuke is active.

Not existing in High Isle & Amenos:

High Isle & Amenos Map - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (12)

No Group Dungeons

High Isle & Amenos Map - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (13)

No Solo Arenas

High Isle & Amenos Map - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (14)

No Group Arenas

High Isle & Amenos Map - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (15)

No Group Delves

High Isle & Amenos Map - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (16)

No Mundus Stones

High Isle & Amenos Map - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (17)

No Great Lifts

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No Battlegrounds

High Isle & Amenos Map - The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (2024)


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Author: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.